At Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, our mission is clear – serve the patient by developing important innovations as efficiently as possible.

FDA-Approved Biologic: Several hundred patients have received our Ebola therapeutic free of charge, including post-FDA approval.
The development lifecycle for a pharmaceutical drug or biologic product typically requires many years of work and significant investment. In a biotechnology universe of over 20,000 companies, we are one of the 150 companies who have an FDA approved biologic that serves patients.
Our patient-guided mission allows us to work on programs that we believe have the highest chance of transformative impact should we succeed.
We strive to eliminate white space and bring forward the best innovations responsively, safely, efficiently and rapidly – with patient outcomes, not profitability, leading the way.
The collective years of experience of the Ridgeback team, combined with the support and resources of our collaborators in both the public and private sectors, have enabled the development of groundbreaking therapeutic treatment options in a highly expedient manner, including for:
(ansuvimab-zykl, mAb114)
(molnupiravir; MK-4482; EIDD-2801)
* Partnered with Merck
** The U.S. FDA has granted EUA for Lagevrio (molnupiravir)
*** Preclinical treatment for emerging infectious disease